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The Interplay of Nature and Nurture

When you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Summarize the role of twin studies and adoption studies in genetic research.
  2. Discuss the relationship between genes and chromosomes, and explain how dominant and recessive genes affect physical and behavioral traits.
  3. Discuss genetic influences on behavior.
  4. Describe environmental issues in understanding behavior.
  5. Describe how prenatal exposures to the physical environment can be detrimental.
  6. Define the interplay of nature and nurture.
  7. Define sex and gender.
  8. Distinguish between gender identity and gender role.
  9. Discuss development of gender roles and gender identity.
  10. Describe the results of research regarding gender similarities and gender differences, including physical strength, cognitive ability, social behavior, and sexual behavior.
  11. Discuss the origin of gender differences.
  12. Discuss genetics and psychological theory, including the evolutionary and the social‑role theories of gender differences.
  13. Discuss genes, environments, and the cycle of violence.

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