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Cognition, Language, and Intelligence

When students have studied this chapter, they should be able to:
  1. Define cognition and identify its three primary facets.
  2. Understand what concepts are, and distinguish between simple and complex concepts.
  3. Distinguish between the basic and prototypical characteristics of natural concepts.
  4. Define problem solving, and describe the three major types of cognitive operations involved in problem solving.
  5. Distinguish between algorithmic and heuristic problem‑solving strategies.
  6. Discuss the importance of emotional factors in decision making.
  7. Define creativity, and distinguish between convergent thinking and divergent thinking.
  8. List and describe the four steps involved in Wallas's description of creative problem solving.
  9. Define language, including semantic content and the generative property of language.
  10. Distinguish among phonemes, morphemes, and syntax.
  11. Describe the Whorfian hypothesis.
  12. Discuss the research results regarding the language capabilities of animals.
  13. Define intelligence, and discuss the position of psychologists who view intelligence as a general ability.
  14. Describe the biological basis of intelligence.
  15. List Sternberg's cognitive components of intelligent behavior.
  16. Distinguish between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence.
  17. Identify intelligence tests, and discuss how they are useful.
  18. Discuss the concept of intelligence quotient, and distinguish between ratio IQ and deviation IQ.
  19. List and describe the characteristics of good intelligence tests.
  20. Identify the factors that contribute to an individual's intelligence.
  21. Describe the importance of intelligence scores in modern society.
  22. Discuss possible reasons for the recent rise in intelligence test scores.
  23. Identify the race‑ethnic differences in intelligence and achievement scores, and describe the controversies and policy implications raised by the publication of The Bell Curve.
  24. Distinguish between mental retardation and giftedness.
  25. Identify techniques to help improve critical thinking.

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