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Chapter Glossary
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acute medical conditions  Occasional illnesses that last a short time. 325
art therapy  Therapeutic approach that allows a person to express troubled feelings without words, using a variety of art materials and media. 332
asthma  A chronic respiratory disease characterized by sudden attacks of coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. 326
behavior therapy  Therapy that uses principles of learning theory to eliminate undesirable behaviors. 331
body image  Descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one's appearance. 322
childhood depression  Mood disorder characterized by such symptoms as a prolonged sense of friendlessness, inability to have fun or concentrate, fatigue, extreme activity or apathy, feelings of worthlessness, weight change, physical complaints, and thoughts of death or suicide. 331
chronic medical conditions  Long-lasting or recurrent physical, developmental, behavioral, and/or emotional conditions that require special health services. 326
conduct disorder (CD)  Repetitive, persistent pattern of aggressive, antisocial behavior violating societal norms or the rights of others. 330
diabetes  One of the most common diseases of childhood. It is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood as a result of defective insulin production, ineffective insulin action, or both. 326
drug therapy  Administration of drugs to treat emotional disorders. 332
family therapy  Psychological treatment in which a therapist sees the whole family together to analyze patterns of family functioning. 331
generalized anxiety disorder  Anxiety not focused on any single target. 330
hypertension  High blood pressure. 326
individual psychotherapy  Psychological treatment in which a therapist sees a troubled person one-on-one. 331
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)  Anxiety aroused by repetitive, intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses, often leading to compulsive ritual behaviors. 330
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)  Pattern of behavior, persisting into middle childhood, marked by negativity, hostility, and defiance. 330
play therapy  Therapeutic approach that uses play to help a child cope with emotional distress. 332
rough-and-tumble play  Vigorous play involving wrestling, hitting, and chasing, often accompanied by laughing and screaming. 320
separation anxiety disorder  Condition involving excessive, prolonged anxiety concerning separation from home or from people to whom a person is attached. 330
social phobia  Extreme fear and/or avoidance of social situations. 330
stuttering  Involuntary, frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds or syllables. 327

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