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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In regard to Piaget's work, current research has suggested that adolescent thought processes are:
A)overall a sequence of development.
B)research methodology.
C)more flexible and varied.
D)influenced on the field of developmental psychology.
Which of the following is a structural cognitive change occurring in adolescence?
A)an increase in the amount of knowledge stored in long-term memory
B)the increased ability to perform mathematical tasks
C)becoming more proficient in drawing conclusions
D)the improvement in scientific reasoning
_____ knowledge consists of all the factual knowledge a person has acquired.
According to Elkind, young adolescents often do not recognize the difference between expressing an ideal and making the sacrifices necessary to live up to it. He identified this characteristic as:
A)apparent hypocrisy.
C)idealism and criticalness.
Adolescents often believe that they are special, that their experience is unique, and that they are not subject to the rules governing the rest of the world. What term does Elkind use to denote this belief?
A)imaginary audience
B)personal fable
According to Kohlberg, the level of moral reasoning that includes maintaining social order, and social concern and conscience, is:
A)preconventional morality.
B)conventional morality.
C)postconventional morality.
D)universal ethical morality.
Fowler's theory based on Kohlberg's work seeks to understand the stages of:
A)primal faith.
B)synthetic-conventional faith.
C)intuitive-projective faith.
D)spiritual development.
Which of the following is TRUE of parents' influence on motivation and achievement?
A)Parental influence can be less important than self belief.
B)Authoritarian parenting results in the most positive attitudes towards school work.
C)Permissive parenting results in the highest academic achievement.
D)Authoritative parenting allows adolescents to make their own decisions about doing homework and getting good grades.
Which of the following statements about gender and achievement is FALSE?
A)Boys and girls score about the same in most areas of subject-matter.
B)Girls earn better grades than boys.
C)Boys are more likely than girls to finish college.
D)Boys receive more favorable attention from teachers than girls.
In terms of occupational options in the United States:
A)students from immigrant families are less likely to go on to college than American-born students.
B)students' self-efficacy beliefs shape the options they consider.
C)gender no longer influences career paths.
D)vocational counseling focuses on students who do not go to college.

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