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Chapter Glossary
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anoxia  Lack of oxygen, which may cause brain damage. 116
Apgar scale  Standard measurement of a newborn's condition; it assesses appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration. 117
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)  Neurological and behavioral test to measure a neonate's responses to the environment. 118
cesarean delivery  Delivery of a baby by surgical removal from the uterus. 112
electronic fetal monitoring  Mechanical monitoring of fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery. 111
imprinting  Instinctive form of learning in which, during a critical period in early development, a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees, usually the mother. 18, 127
kangaroo care  Method of skin-to-skin contact in which a newborn is laid face down between the mother's breasts. 123
low-birth-weight babies  Infants who weight less than 5½ pounds (2,500 grams) at birth because of prematurity or being small-for-date. 121
mother-infant bond  Mother's feeling of close, caring connection with her newborn. 127
natural, or prepared, childbirth  Method of childbirth that seeks to reduce or eliminate the use of drugs, enable both parents to participate fully, and control perceptions of pain. 113
neonatal jaundice  Condition in many newborn babies caused by immaturity of the liver and evidenced by a yellowish appearance; can cause brain damage if not treated promptly. 117
neonatal period  First 4 weeks of life, a time of transition from intrauterine dependency to independent existence. 114
neonate  Newborn baby, up to 4 weeks old. 114
parturition  Process of uterine, cervical, and other changes, usually lasting about 2 weeks preceding childbirth. 110
postmature  A fetus not yet born as of 42 weeks' gestation. 125
preterm (premature) infants  Infants born before completing the 37th week of gestation. 121
protective factors  Factors that reduce the impact of potentially negative influences and tend to predict positive outcomes. 126, 388
small-for-date (small-for-gestational-age) infants  Infants whose birth weight is less than that of 90 percent of babies of the same gestational age as a result of slow fetal growth. 121
state of arousal  Infant's physiological and behavioral status at a given moment in the periodic daily cycle of wakefulness, sleep, and activity. 119
stillbirth  Death of a fetus at or after the 20th week of gestation. 125

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