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Chapter Glossary
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cell death  In brain development, normal elimination of excess cells to achieve more efficient functioning. 145
central nervous system  Brain and spinal cord. 140
Denver Developmental Screening Test  Screening test given to children age 1 month to 6 years to determine whether they are developing normally. 152
depth perception  Ability to perceive objects and surfaces in three dimensions. 154
differentiation  Process by which cells acquire specialized structure and function. 145
dynamic systems theory (DST)  Thelen's theory that holds that motor development is a dynamic process of active coordination of multiple systems within the infant in relation to the environment. 155
ecological theory of perception  Theory developed by Eleanor and James Gibsonthat describes developing motor and perceptual abilities as interdependent parts of a functional system that guides behavior in varying contexts. 154
fine motor skills  Physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination. 152, 241
gross motor skills  Physical skills that involve the large muscles. 152, 241
haptic perception  Ability to acquire information about properties of objects, such as size, weight, and texture, by handling them. 154
infant mortality rate  Proportion of babies born alive who die within the 1st year. 157
integration  Process by which neurons coordinate the activities of muscle groups. 145
lateralization  Tendency of each of the brain's hemispheres to have specialized functions. 142
myelination  Process of coating neurons with myelin, a fatty substance that enables faster communication between cells. 146
neurons  Nerve cells. 142
nonorganic failure to thrive  In infancy, lack of appropriate growth for no known medical cause, accompanied by poor developmental and emotional functioning. 162
plasticity  Modifiability of the brain through experience. 18, 147
reflex behavior  Automatic, involuntary, innate response to stimulation. 147
shaken baby syndrome  Form of maltreatment in which shaking an infant or toddler can cause brain damage, paralysis, or death. 162
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)  Sudden and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant. 157
systems of action  Increasingly complex combinations of motor skills that permit a wider or more precise range of movement and more control of the environment. 151, 242
visual cliff  Apparatus designed to give an illusion of depth and used to assess depth perception in infants. 154
visual guidance  Use of the eyes to guide movements of the hands or other parts of the body. 153

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