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Multiple Choice Quiz
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To avoid excess weight and later cardiac problems, young children should:
A)avoid dairy products.
B)get 40 percent of their total calories from fat.
C)get no more than one-third of their total fat from saturated fats.
D)limit their protein intake.
Permanent teeth begin to appear at about age:
Which of the following does NOT encourage children to have good sleep habits?
A)leaving a light on at night
B)eating right before bedtime
C)having the same bedtime each night
D)sleeping with a stuffed animal
Persistent enuresis is primarily:
A)an emotional problem.
B)a mental problem.
C)a behavior problem.
D)an inherited problem.
Young children develop best physically when they are active in:
A)activities beyond their maturational level.
B)unstructured free play.
C)a range of structured activities.
D)activities that include direct instruction.
Parental smoking is a preventable cause of childhood illness and death and:
A)the potential damage caused by exposure to smoke is greatest during the early years of life.
B)the illnesses from this exposure help build natural immunity.
C)young children catch on average 7 – 8 colds per year.
D)illnesses are common because children's lungs are not fully developed.
Environmental contaminants may play a role in certain childhood illness and higher risks such as:
A)higher risk of developing otitis media.
B)being more likely to pick up mild infectious diseases.
C)a higher risk of contracting hepatitis A.
D)childhood cancers, neurological disorders, ADHD, and mental retardation.
What percentage of U.S. children live in counties that failed to meet 2006 air quality standards?
A)less than 10 percent
B)between 10 percent and 20 percent
C)between 25 percent and 35 percent
D)approximately 55 percent
Since 1980, children's blood lead levels have:
A)increased slightly.
C)stayed the same.
Many homeless children spend their crucial early years:
A)with a stranger.
B)in a shelter.
C)in unstable, insecure, and often unsanitary environments.
D)in school.

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