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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What is one limitation of Galton's research?
A)He only researched people raised in poverty.
B)He focused on computational math skills.
C)He only conducted research on women and minorities.
D)He missed the implications of being raised in a privileged environment on IQ.
Why is Stern's traditional concept of IQ, which incorporates mental age and chronological age, no longer used?
A)It is not very useful for assessing the intelligence of children.
B)It has little reliability.
C)It is not very useful for assessing the intelligence of adults.
D)It is too controversial.
To study intelligence, psychologists have relied primarily upon 2 approaches, the ___________ approach and the _________________ approach.
A)psychometric; cognitive processes
B)psychodynamic; cognitive processes
C)problem-solving; hierarchical
D)psychometric; problem-solving
The "g" factor can best be described as
A)an unusual intellectual ability.
B)the core of intelligence.
C)the level of intellectual giftedness one possesses.
D)an intellectual ability that does not vary among individuals.
For nearly 20 years, Melissa has been solving crossword puzzles in the Sunday newspaper. Her ability to solve crossword puzzles depends primarily on ___________ intelligence.
A)fluid crystallized
B)crystallized fluid
Your ability to reason abstractly and think logically so that you can solve new problems depends largely on your _____________ intelligence.
The three main components of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence include
A)practical components, performance components, and knowledge acquisition components.
B)metacomponents, performance components, and knowledge acquisition components.
C)analytical components, metacomponents, and knowledge acquisition components.
D)metacomponents, mesocomponents, and microcomponents.
Formulating a hypothesis is an example of
A)performance components
B)knowledge-acquisition components
D)natural component
Which of the following theorists developed an intelligence theory with eight distinct varieties of adaptive abilities?
A)Howard Gardner
B)Peter Salovey
C)John Mayer
D)John B. Carroll
Kyle recently took a test that was designed to measure how much he has learned thus far in school. Which kind of test did Kyle most likely take?
A)An intelligence test
B)An aptitude test
C)An achievement test
D)A knowledge acquisition test
______________ describes how well a test measures what it is designed to measure, whereas __________ refers to the consistency of measurement.
A)Standardization; reliability
B)Internal consistency; validity
C)Test-retest reliability; validity
D)Validity; reliability
Which of the following statements concerning the relationship between genetics and intelligence is true?
A)The more genes people have in common, the more similar their IQs tend to be.
B)Researchers suggest that there is an "intelligence gene."
C)Genetics plays a very small role in intelligence.
D)Genetics explains the vast majority of one's intellectual abilities.
What does outcome bias refer to?
A)If the test successfully predicts criterion measures, such as job performance
B)Whether or not one racial group will score higher than another racial group
C)The extent that a test overestimates a person's true intellectual ability
D)The extent that a test underestimates a person's true intellectual ability
Barb is African-American and lives her life trying to disconfirm negative stereotypes of African-American women. Her behavior illustrates which of the following concepts?
C)Stereotype threat
D)Racial issue
A mentally gifted child will have an IQ of __________ or higher, whereas a mentally retarded child will have an IQ of ________ or lower.
A)160; 20
B)120; 50
C)135; 70
D)200; 95
Which of the following statements concerning mental retardation is true?
A)Profound mental retardation does not run in families.
B)For most cases of mental retardation, a clear biological cause can be found.
C)Profound mental retardation runs in families.
D)Genetic abnormalities account for a majority of all mental retardation cases.
What does mainstreaming refer to?
A)Educating special education children in separate classrooms from regular education children
B)Educating special education children in the least restrictive environment
C)Dividing the school into mainstreamed classrooms and regular education classrooms
D)Putting special education children with the same labels into the same classrooms with same disability peers

Passer: PsychologyOnline Learning Center

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