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Perspectivas culturales: Los hispanos en los Estados Unidos
(See related pages)

Review the Persepectivas culturales section of this chapter in your textbook and use the following search engines (buscadores) (or others, if you wish) to complete the following activities.


AltaVista en español
Google en español
Lycos en español
Yahoo en español

What is John Leguizamo’s Hispanic heritage? Name some of the movies in which he has starred. Where did Leguizamo get his start before launching his acting career?
What are Spanish Missions? Where are they found? Which state has the most intact Spanish missions? Choose a mission and list its location (city, state), date of construction, and current usage.
Where is Calle Ocho (neighborhood and city) and why is it unique? To which segment of the population of the city is it important? What are some of the special events that take place here?

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