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Chemistry, 7/e
Raymond Chang, Williams College

Acids and Bases

Internet Exercises


  1. Chem Finder is a database of constants and properties for a variety of compounds. It also provides a line-structural formula for each compound that can be transformed into a 3-D structural formula if you have Chem #3. Use ChemFinder at to look up the boiling point and the dissociation constant for dichloroacetic acid. [Use the references at the bottom and look for thermodynamic properties]. Then do the same for chloroacetic acid.
    1. Which compound is the stronger acid? Rationalize the order of acidity.
    2. Which compound has the higher boiling point? Rationalize the boiling points.
p-hydroxyphenoxyacetic acid

  1. Take a look at p-hydroxyphenoxyacetic acid at [You will need RasMol or Chime to view this molecule].
    1. How many carbons are sp2 hybridized?
    2. What is the approximate bond angle at the OH of carboxyl group?
    3. Would you expect this acid to be stronger or weaker than acetic acid?
    4. Will the OH group on the benzene ring contribute significantly to the hydronium ion concentration in an aqueous solution of the compound?
acids and bases

  1. The University of Alberta offers a wide range of general chemistry tutorials. Read through the material on acids and bases at, and answer the following questions.
    1. How did Svante Arrhenius classify a strong acid? A strong base?
    2. Why is Arrhenius' concept not considered as strongly as the Bronsted- Lowry concept?
    3. What is the Lewis definition of an acid? A base?
    4. How are Ka and Kb related?
    5. Identify the conjugate pairs in the ionization of pure water.
    6. In polyprotic acids, why do the successive ionization constants decrease in magnitude?