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Animal Sciences, 4/e
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Companion Animals

Chapter Summary

Companion animals can and do contribute immensely to the lives of people in all life stages and circumstances. Happily, animals accompany many of us on our journey through life. We enjoy, appreciate, and benefit from them for the many reasons mentioned in this chapter and they in turn need, enjoy, and appreciate us. It is impossible to assign a monetary value to the social, societal, and personal benefits derived from companion animals. Indeed, such things are simply priceless. Many readers of this chapter have personally experienced the closeness and one-on-one bonding that commonly exists and the affection that is frequently exchanged between people and their favorite animal friends. All of life is a learning experience, and companion animals add substantial depth and enrichment to our lives.

We should note that limited space has precluded our including more than a small fraction of the interesting information that has been published on topics related to companion animals. Interested readers can find dozens of books and hundreds of articles in popular magazines and professional journals available through bookstores, libraries, and on the Internet. Selecting and obtaining a companion animal involves assuming the responsibility for another living creature—a responsibility that continues for the rest of the life of the animal and/or owner. Understanding and undertaking this responsibility should include studying the best ways to make the life of the animal as long and healthy as possible. Acquiring new information is exciting and rewarding. It is in that spirit that we should all read and research further. Enjoy it!