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Chapter 21

Methods and Methodologies

The Cetus Project site is still one of the most useful resources for information on object-oriented and agile methodologies, with links that cover RUP, XP and many others.

The DSDM Consortium site is here. While much of this site is off limits to non-members, there is some useful information on the publicly accessible part of the site.

There is a good article by Steve Cabana on Participative Design . This page is provided by the International Institute for Natural, Environmental, and Cultural Resources Management at the New Mexico State University.

The OPEN Consortium is responsible (not surprisingly) for the development of the OPEN methodology. We no longer cover this methodology in the textbook, but it was seen only a few yearsago as one of the few rivals to RUP, with its own notation that offered an alternative to the UML.

O-O Systems Analy, Bennett, 3eOnline Learning Center

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