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Chapter 3

Agile Approaches

The Dynamic System Development Method Consortium has useful website. A series articles about DSDM can be found at

The Agile Manifesto can be found at

Software Engineering

The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University provides information about techniques to improve the quality of information systems and other computer-based systems.

Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools

The Rational suite of CASE tools are now owned by IBM who provide a wide range of software tools. Details of these tools can be found at the IBM Rational Software Page.

Select Case tools are now provided by Select Business Solutions .

Together case tools are now provided by Borland.

Gentleware in Germany offers free and commercial versions of the Poseidon tool, which can be integrated with NetBeans or Sun One Studio 4 (formerly Forte for Java); Poseidon is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

O-O Systems Analy, Bennett, 3eOnline Learning Center

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