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Custom Material for Concorde MA 120: Administrative and Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Physiology

Kathryn A. Booth et al

ISBN: 0077479130
Copyright year: 2011

Table of Contents

1 Telephone Techniques
2 Scheduling Appointments and Maintaining the Physician’s Schedule
3 Patient Reception
4 Health Insurance Billing Procedures
5 Medical Coding
6 Patient Billing and Collections
7 Accounting for the Medical Office
8 Emergency Preparedness and First Aid
9 Organization of the Body
10 Assisting with Cold and Heat Therapy and Ambulation
Core Competency A Interviewing the Patient, Taking a History, and Documentation
Core Competency B Obtaining Vital Signs and Measurements
Appendix A: The Anatomy of Word Construction: The Essential Elements of the Language of Medicine
Appendix B: The Body as a Whole: The Essentials of the Language of Anatomy
Appendix C: The Appendicular Skeleton, Joints, and Muscles: The Essentials of the Languages of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
Appendix D: Special Senses of the Eye and Ear: The Essentials of the Languages of Ophthalmology and Otology
Appendix E: Cardiovascular and Circulatory Systems: The Essentials of the Language of Cardiology
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots in Commonly Used Medical Terms
Abbreviations and Symbols Commonly Used in Medical Terms
Booth Medical Assisting 4e textbook cover

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