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Motivating Employees: Achieving Superior Performance in the Workplace

Major Questions You Should Be Able to Answer

12.1 Motivating for Performance
Major Question: What's the motivation for studying motivation?

12.2 Content Perspectives on Employee Motivation
Major Question: What kinds of needs motivate employees?

12.3 Process Perspectives on Employee Motivation
Major Question: Is a good reward good enough? How do other factors affect motivation?

12.4 Job Design Perspectives on Motivation
Major Question: What's the best way to design jobs—adapt people to work or work to people?

12.5 Reinforcement Perspectives on Motivation
Major Question: What are the types of incentives I might use to influence employee behavior?

12.6 Using Compensation & Other Rewards to Motivate
Major Question: How can I use compensation and other rewards to motivate people?

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