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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Memory is the process by which we:
A)perceive, encode, and store information.
B)encode, interpret, and retrieve information.
C)encode, store, and retrieve information.
D)perceive, interpret, and retrieve information.
_____________memory holds information for fifteen to twenty-five seconds and stores it according to its meaning.
Sperling's research indicated that information is stored in sensory memory for:
A)less than a second.
B)approximately 2 to 3 seconds.
C)approximately fifteen seconds.
D)less than a minute.
Which of the following could be considered a "chunk" of information?
A)a three-digit area code
B)a single letter of the alphabet
C)a phrase
D)All of these.
Which of the following is an organizational strategy that relies on elaborative rehearsal and can improve memory retrieval?
B)repetition of information over and over again
C)counting backward by threes
D)serial position effect
Noze Itall was a contestant on Jeopardy. He won $50,000 by displaying his memory for general knowledge and facts about the world, as well as memory for the rules of logic that are used to deduce other facts. This type of memory is called:
A)nondeclarative memory.
B)procedural memory.
C)episodic memory.
D)semantic memory.
A process called ____________ occurs when memories become fixed and stable in long-term memory.
A)long-term potentiation
C)elaborative rehearsal
D)maintenance rehearsal
Which of the following people most likely would do well in Trivial Pursuit?
A)Short Surkut who does well on tasks involving episodic memory.
B)Kanga Roo who does well on tasks of procedural memory.
C)Sighlent Partner who does well on tasks involving nondeclarative memories.
D)Chatt Boxx who does well on tasks of semantic memory.
Wuzza Victim was driving her car down Main Street when she heard on the radio the news of a mugging in a downtown alley the night before. Immediately, she began remembering her own mugging several years before in a similar dark alley in the downtown are. She started to cry and shake as these memories flooded vividly across her mind. Wuzza who would welcome the possibility of making these traumatic memories disappear might benefit by:
A)brain stimulation of the amydala.
B)taking propranolol.
C)long-term potentiation.
D)consolidation of the engram.
If you want your child to remember a list of items, where would you place the most important items in the list?
A)at the beginning of the list
B)in the middle of the list
C)at the end of the list
D)either at the beginning or end of the list
Mental representations of clusters of interconnected information are called:
A)consolidated memories.
B)semantic networks.
C)long term potentiation.
D)None of these.

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