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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Rememba Nuttin knows she knows the name of that person who is staring at her. However, no matter how hard she tries to recall it, the name cannot be recalled. This is an example of the:
A)serial position effect.
B)primacy effect.
C)recency effect.
D)tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
A retrieval cue is a stimulus that allows us to recall more easily information that is located in long-term memory by triggering associations. It may be:
A)a feeling of grief.
B)the smell of roses.
C)the sound of the ocean.
D)All of these.
As you are taking this test, you realize that your instructor has selected the multiple-choice test, which is the least difficult method of testing information retrieval. That method is:
A)cued recall.
C)cued retrieval.
The ____________, a part of the brain's limbic system, plays a central role in the consolidation of memories and aids in the initial encoding of information.
_____________ memory refers to intentional or conscious recollection of information, whereas __________ memory refers to memories of which people are not consciously aware, but which can affect subsequent performance and behavior.
A)Implicit; explicit
B)Explicit; implicit
C)Recall; recollection
D)Recollection; recall
___________ is a phenomenon in which exposure to word or concept later makes it easier to recall related information.
B)Retrieval cue
D)None of these.
To this day, Nevva Fuggets remembers what she was doing when those jets hit the Twin Towers. She was knitting a baby blanket for her cousin Barefoot N. Pregnant who was expecting her eighth baby. This is an example of:
A)the tip-of-the-tongue-phenomenon.
B)a flashbulb memory.
C)an implicit memory.
D)a nondeclarative memory.
When Allways A. Bridesmade fondly recalls past weddings, they always follow the same pattern. The bride walks down the aisle escorted b her father to "Here Comes the Bride," she joins her husband-to-be, they recite their vows, and then walk out arm-in-arm, Although this does not always happen she still remembers each wedding this way. This is an example of a(n):
A)flashbulb memory.
B)encoding failure.
D)long-term potentiation.

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