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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Research has shown that people who are sociable, with close social ties,
A)are healthier than people who do not have close social relationships.
B)are not as healthy as people who do not have close social relationships.
C)are just as healthy as people who do not have close social relationships.
D)are more frequently ill than people who do not have close social relationships.
In a study by David Rosenhan, he and confederates presented themselves to a psychiatric facility complaining of hearing voices. All other information given to the administrator and doctor were accurate, and no other symptoms were reported. The study showed that
A)the experimenters were revealed as frauds within one week.
B)most of the experimenters were diagnosed with schizophrenia and remained hospitalized for two to three weeks.
C)the experimenters disclosed their deception so they could be discharged.
D)the experimenters remained hospitalized for one month.
Thomas attributes the cause of his failure experience as being due to himself, that he will fail in other areas of his life, and that this will be a life-long occurrence for him, of more failures. Thomas has _______________ of thinking.
A)a pessimistic meshing style.
B)a "down-on-yourself" explanatory style.
C)an optimistic explanatory style.
D)a pessimistic explanatory style.
Something bad happened to Melinda, and she realized that it was not her fault, it would not spill into other areas of her life, and it was a short-term set-back. Melinda has _________________ of thinking.
A)an architectonic explanatory style.
B)a rosey-posey explanatory style.
C)a pessimistic explanatory style.
D)an optimistic explanatory style.
Which of the following is not a potential influence on the accuracy of clinical judgments?
A)illusory correlations.
"Ignorance is bliss" would be the flipside of
A)depressive realism.
B)a positive explanatory style.
C)a realistic explanatory style.
D)the illusion of transparency.
A negative or pessimistic way of attributing failure to internal causes is
A)an optimistic explanatory style.
B)a negative explanatory style.
C)a failure-oriented explanatory style.
D)an unrealistic explanatory style.
When people think of themselves as better than average and more in control of things than they you really are, this is referred to as having
A)an illusion of transparency.
B)a mirror-image perception.
C)a negative self-perception.
D)a positive illusion.
Research regarding close relationships and happiness show that
A)single people express feeling happier than married people.
B)there is no relationship between happiness and marital status.
C)married people express feeling happier than single people.
D)married people express feeling less happy than single people.
____________ can occur in a person when they feel excluded, unloved, and alienated from others.
B)Realistic pessimism
C)A positive illusion
When researchers compare statistical prediction against intuitive (clinical) prediction
A)statistics usually win.
B)statistics always win.
C)intuitions usually win.
D)the results indicate that they are equally good predictors of clinical disorders.
The study of the psychological components of illness and health is referred to as
A)behavioral modification.
B)medical integration.
C)health psychology.
D)health psychopathy.
Regarding explanatory style and illness, research shows that __________
A)people who are pessimistic live as long as people who are optimistic.
B)people who are optimistic do not live longer than people who are pessimistic.
C)people who are optimistic live longer than people who are pessimistic
D)people who are pessimistic live longer than people who are optimistic.
__________________ is used to help a person learn how to change their behavior and thoughts to reduce shyness, nervousness, and loneliness in social situations.
A)Electric shock
C)Social readjustment
D)Social skills training
Research results have shown that people who
A)have no close social relationships are healthier than those who have many close social relationships.
B)are social isolates are healthier than social butterflies.
C)have close social relationships are healthier than those who do not have close social relationships.
D)have close social relationships are not as healthy as people who do not have close social relationships.
Mildly depressed people tend to
A)be worse gamblers than non-depressed people.
B)be better gamblers than non-depressed people.
C)make more accurate judgments, attributions, and predictions relative to non-depressed people.
D)make more inaccurate judgments, attributions, and predictions relative to non-depressed people.
Depressed people are more likely than non-depressed people to exhibit
A)an optimistic explanatory style.
B)a negative explanatory style.
C)a failure-oriented explanatory style.
D)an unrealistic explanatory style.
A)causes negative thinking.
B)results from negative thinking.
C)causes and results from negative thinking.
D)is unrelated to having negative thoughts.
According to Martin Seligman, _______________ is one of the reasons for hopelessness, self-blame, and depression.
B)the decline of individualism
C)the growth of individualism
D)the growth of skepticism
Research shows that _______________ is related to poor health.
A)depressive optimism
B)a pessimistic explanatory style
C)an optimistic explanatory style
D)a positive illusion

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