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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Motor development is defined as
A)the changes that occur during the time of adolescence only.
B)the changes that occur in skill development.
C)the changes that occur in human movement across the life span.
D)none of these.
If a task is too difficult for a child, the result is
A)extra effort.
C)loss of interest.
D)frustration and loss of interest.
In order to plan activity for elementary children, you must understand which of the following?
A)size of musculature
B)beginning and end points of movement
C)financial resources from the school district
D)size of musculature and beginning and end points of movement
Fine motor skills are used in which of the following?
A)kicking a ball
B)rolling a ball
D)writing on a piece of paper
An "open motor skill" refers to
A)kicking a stationary target.
B)performing in an unstable environment.
C)hitting a ball off a tee.
D)none of these.
Motor learning refers to
A)the concepts learned during physical movement.
B)the body learning about function and capability in sporting events.
C)the student learning about sport concepts and skills as they apply to the body.
D)a relatively permanent change in performance as a result of practice or experience.
The kinesthetic learner
A)prefers verbal descriptions.
B)likes to feel what the body should do.
C)likes to analyze movement challenges.
D)all of these.
In order to maintain children's enjoyment in a movement setting, what should be emphasized?
D)all of these
Which of the following will decrease children's desire to participate in physical activities?
A)struggling to perform a push-up while the whole class watches
B)winning the race in front of classmates
C)being selected the captain of a team
D)being kept busy performing different drills
"The Physical Education Hall of Shame" includes which of the following?
A)low participation time
C)productivity of participants
D)all of these

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