Site MapHelpFeedbackFollow the Leader (Grades 3–6; Page 276)
Follow the Leader (Grades 3–6; Page 276)
(See related pages)

Video Viewing Questions:

  • How does the teacher organize the students and the activity so that each student has an opportunity to be the leader in a relatively short time period?
  • How is the teacher sensitive to the student who doesn't wish to lead?
  • What can a teacher learn about a student's development if a student cannot balance on one foot?

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Closed Caption versions

  • Follow the Leader closed caption version to play via web.
  • Follow the Leader ZIP of all files to play closed caption version locally. You will need save the ZIP file and then extract all the files to the same folder/location. Double-click on the HTML file after it's extracted and the closed caption version will play on your computer.

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