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Chapter Glossary
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autoerotic death  Death from accidental asphyxiation as a result of masochistic activities of the deceased. Also called sexual asphyxia.
date-rape drugs  Drugs that facilitate rape by debilitating the victim; they include Rohypnol, GHB, and many depressants and benzodiazapines.
exchangeable traces  Particulates, lubricants, and spermicide added to condoms by manufacturers; can help identify particular brands and indicate condom use.
gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)  A central nervous system depressant used to perpetrate sexual attacks; mixed into a victim's food or drink, can induce relaxation or unconsciousness, leaving the victim unaware of the attack; can also cause seizures or death.
psychological autopsy  An analysis of a decedent's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, conducted through interviews with persons who knew him or her, to determine whether a death was an accident or suicide.
Rohypnol  A benzodiazapine used to perpetrate sexual attacks; mixed into a victim's food or drink, can induce sedation, memory impairment, or unconsciousness, leaving the victim unaware of the attack. Also called flunitrazepam.
semen  A grayish-white fluid produced in the male reproductive organs and ejaculated during orgasm; has a chlorinelike odor and dries to a starchlike consistency.
sperm  Tadpolelike organisms that are contained in, and travel through, semen to fertilize the female egg.

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