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Chapter Glossary
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AMBER Plan  A voluntary partnership between law enforcement agencies and broadcasters to activate an urgent news bulletin in the most serious child abduction cases.
battered-child syndrome  The clinical term for the mental difficulties sustained by a physically abused child.
child pornography  The sexually explicit visual depiction of a minor (as defined by statute); includes photographs, negatives, slides, magazines, movies, videotapes, and computerized images.
contact burns  Burns on the skin caused by contact with flames or hot solid objects (e.g., irons, cigarettes).
immersion burns  Burns on the skin that occur when part or all of the body falls into, or is placed into, a tub or other container of hot liquid.
infant abduction  The taking of a child less than one year of age by a nonfamily member; classified by the FBI as kidnapping, although the motive is usually to possess the child rather than to use the child as a means for something else (e.g., money, sex, revenge).
Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act  A 1994 federal act requiring that states create and maintain registries of sex offenders. An amendment to the Jacob Wetterling act, legislation requiring that states disclose information about registered sex offenders to the public.
Megan's Law  An amendment to the Jacob Wetterling act, legislation requiring that states disclose information about registered sex offenders to the public.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP)  A psychological disorder in which a parent or caretaker attempts to elicit medical attention for himself or herself by injuring or inducing illness in a child.
preferential child molester  A person who molests children because he or she has a definite sexual preference for children.
rapid response deployment or quick action deployment (QUAD)  An intervention approach in which patrol officers are trained in the principles and tactics of rapid deployment for critical incidents so that responding officers can take action immediately rather than wait for a SWAT team.
scald burns  Burns on the skin caused by contact with hot liquids, either through spills/splashes or immersion; most common type of burn injury to children.
shaken-baby syndrome (SBS)  Severe intracranial trauma caused by the deliberate application of violent force (shaking) to a child.
situational child molester  A person who molests children because the opportunity exists to do so or because of his or her inadequacy, regressed personality, or desire for experimentation; does not have a sexual preference for children.
spill/splash injuries  Burns on the skin that occur when a hot liquid falls from a height and splashes onto the body.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)  The sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant, usually during sleep, the cause of which has yet to be determined.
threat assessment  The process of determining the risk level posed by a threat and whether law enforcement should be called in and a criminal prosecution pursued; includes evaluation of the threatener.

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