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Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3/e
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Prison Life, Inmate Rights, Release, and Recidivism

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A prison is a described as a total institution because
A)a large number of like-situated individuals live together
B)the residents are cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time
C)the residents lead an enclosed, formally administered round of life
D)all of the above

The values and norms of the convict code usually include the principle that
A)inmates should mind their own business
B)inmates should not inform the staff about the illicit activities of other prisoners
C)inmates should be indifferent to the staff and loyal to other convicts
D)all of the above

A theory about the origin of inmate society that states that inmate society develops in response to the painful conditions of confinement is known as
A)deprivation model
C)importation model
D)convict response model

Which of the following is not a factor that has led to a more fragmented, disorganized, and unstable inmate society in men's prisons?
A)increasing racial heterogeneity
B)racial polarization of modern prisoners
C)increased development of pseudofamilies
D)the rise and fall of rehabilitation

There is more physical violence by inmates today in men's prisons, partly because
A)there has been an increase in gambling inside institutions
B)there are high levels of overcrowding
C)prisons are housing male and female inmates together
D)all of the above

Economic, psychological, and social victimization inside prisons
A)is only perpetrated by inmates against other inmates
B)is only perpetrated by staff against inmates
C)is perpetrated by inmates against staff or other inmates
D)is not as common as physical victimization

According to Erving Goffman, inmates experience the loss of personal freedom and material goods in prison, which often leads to
A)self-mortification, or a subduing or deadening of self-identity and self-determination
B)increased self-reliance
C)religious awakening
D)decrease of dependence on authority

Which of the following is not a key difference between life in men's prisons and women's prisons?
A)women's prisons have a lower level of violence
B)female prisoners do not experience deprivation and depersonalization
C)women's prisons do not normally have a high level of antistaff mentality
D)the environment of women's prisons tends to be less oppressive

Most prison correctional officers are
C)employed by state agencies
D)all of the above

Prison correctional officers often experience role ambiguity and role strain because
A)they are asked to restrain inmates who would prefer to have their freedom
B)they must insert themselves in the personal lives of inmates
C)they are asked to supervise and discipline inmates, and at the same time counsel and help them
D)they are asked to guard inmates and are forbidden from helping inmates, even when the inmates clearly need help

Correctional officers often respond to their work environment by
A)withdrawing, sometimes literally, by quitting
B)becoming authoritarian and confrontational
C)becoming corrupt and selling drugs to inmates
D)all of the above

Until the middle of the 20th century, the policy of the courts toward prison matters was
A)a hands-off policy
B)maintain basic rights, but allow prison officials wide discretion in handling inmate affairs
C)ensure that prisoners retained all civil rights
D)protect prisoners from abuses by correctional officers

The Supreme Court has held that inmates have a right to
A)access to the federal courts only under habeas corpus petitions
B)the assistance of jailhouse lawyers
C)full due process rights in all proceedings against them in prison
D)challenge the fact of their confinement, but not the conditions of that confinement

The conditional release of prisonsers before they have served their full sentences is known as
B)mandatory release
D)good time

Studies have found that recidivism is related to
A)gender, men are more likely to recidivate than women
B)the amount of time served in prison
C)the number of years since release, offenders are more likely to recidivate the longer they have been released
D)race, blacks and Hispanics had higher recidivism rates