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Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3/e
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Community Corrections

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The emphasis of community correctional programs has traditionally been on

The role of staff in a community correctional program typically includes
A)ensuring that offenders comply with the orders of their sentences
B)providing services, such as counseling
C)identifying problems and referring offenders to community agencies for help
D)all of the above

A presentence investigation report typically includes
A)a summary of the offender's prior record
B)a discussion of the current offense as perceived by the police, the victim, and the offender
C)the probation officer's evaluation of the offender and the officer's recommendation for an appropriate sentence
D)all of the above

The difference between parole and probation is
A)parole is a court-imposed sentence
B)probation is used with persons leaving prison
C)probation is considered a community-based continuation of a prison sentence
D)parole is used with persons leaving prison

Which of the following is not a usually a function of a parole board?
A)help establish a jurisdiction's parole policies
B)supervise released prisoners in the community
C)manage the parole release process
D)decide whether to terminate parole supervision

In general, intermediate sanctions differ from traditional community correctional programs because
A)they focus more intently on rehabilitation
B)they are forms of incarceration and therefore focus on incapacitation
C)they are oriented less toward rehabilitation and more toward retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation
D)there is no difference

The difference between regular probation and intensive-supervision probation and parole (ISP) is
A)ISP provides stricter conditions and closer supervision
B)traditional probation provides stricter conditions
C)offenders who violate ISP may be placed on traditional probation or parole
D)traditional probation generally provides more services for offenders

Community correctional programs and intermediate sanction programs often experience net-widening, which means that
A)the offenders placed in a program are not the offenders for whom the program was intended
B)caseloads quickly become overwhelming and the program loses effectiveness
C)they begin to impose stricter conditions than the program originally intended
D)they lose focus and therefore lose effectiveness

Structured fines are
A)the same for all offenders
B)used to offset the costs of probation
C)based on the offender's ability to pay
D)used to offset the costs of electronic monitoring

An advantage of structured fines is
A)offender accountability
C)revenue for a jurisdiction
D)all of the above

Supporters of electronic monitoring argue that
A)it is a cost-effective alternative to incarceration
B)it encroaches on an offender's right to privacy
C)it violates an individual's right against self-incrimination
D)it encroaches on the rights of people who share a residence with an offender

A halfway house is
A)a temporary incarceration facility where offenders are evaluated to determine which institution will be most appropriate for their eventual incarceration
B)a community-based residential facility that provides a temporary period of highly structured living to prepare individuals to function independently in the community
C)a community-based facility where offenders report each day for education or vocational training as well as other services
D)a special, minimum security section of a jail

Research has shown that offenders who successfully complete a halfway house program
A)do not recidivate
B)are less likely to commit new crimes than offenders who do not complete the program
C)have significantly lower recidivism rates than offenders in other community correctional programs
D)have significantly higher recidivism rates than offenders in other community correctional programs

Which of the following is not a purpose of temporary-release programs?
A)permit inmates to establish or maintain community ties, thereby preparing them for reentry into society
B)give institutional authorities a means of testing an inmate's readiness for release
C)give institutional authorities a means of controlling inmate behavior
D)enable inmates to secure high-paying jobs in the community

Research has shown that the most frequent problem associated with temporary release programs is
A)offenders flee the jurisdiction
B)offenders commit serious crimes while on release
C)offenders use alcohol and illegal drugs while on temporary release
D)offenders get jobs that they are not able to keep