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Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3/e
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Explaining Crime

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A criminological theory attempts to explain
A)the behavior of police officers
B)why or how things are related to criminal behavior
C)the behavior of prosecutors and judges
D)all of the above

A policy implication that could be drawn from Cesare Beccaria's classical theory is
A)society should enact extremely severe punishments for crimes in order to deter criminal behavior
B)society should enact laws that are clear, simple, unbiased, and reflect the consensus of the populations
C)society should isolate and sterilize offenders
D)all of the above

Theories that criminals are biologically inferior to noncriminals were put forth by
A)Lombroso and Sheldon

Policies to isolate, sterilize, or execute offenders could be derived from the theories of
D)all of the above

According to Maslow's humanistic theory
A)crime is a symptom of more deep-seated problems
B)mental inferiority causes people to commit crimes
C)crime is a means by which individuals can satisfy their basic human needs
D)crime is a social fact

The policy implications of theories that assert that crime is a "normal" aspect of society are to
A)contains crime within reasonable bounds
B)organize and empower neighborhood residents
C)reward law-abiding behavior
D)employ reintegrative shaming

The Chicago School asserted that crime is a product of social disorganization, so in order to reduce crime, society should
A)contain crime within reasonable bounds
B)organize and empower neighborhood residents
C)increase people's access to legitimate opportunities
D)provide law-abiding models

According to learning theory, crime is committed because it is
A)positively reinforced
B)negatively reinforced
D)all of the above

The use of radical nonintervention is an outgrowth of
A)strain theory
B)learning theory
C)labeling theory
D)conflict theory

Conflict theory states that
A)crime is the result of improper socialization
B)crime is caused by relative powerlessness
C)crime is caused by the competition between the rich and the poor and the practice of taking advantage of other people
D)crime is caused by men's control over women

A theory that would define crime as a violation of basic human rights is
A)conflict theory
B)radical theory
C)Left Realism

The theory of British or Left Realism
A)hoped to direct attention to the fear and victimization experienced by the working class
B)hoped to end class struggle
C)hoped to end men's control over women
D)hoped to improve socialization

A policy implication that can be drawn from feminist theory is
A)employ police to protect people in working-class communities
B)transform human beings so that they are able to experience empathy with those less fortunate
C)abolish patriarchal structures and relationships
D)champion universal social justice

Biological theorist have studied the relation between biological factors and crime, and have found that
A)crime may be related to a disorder in the limbic system
B)crime may be related to chemical dysfunctions
C)crime may be related to endocrine abnormalities
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a psychopath?
A)superficial charm
B)absence of signs of irrational "thinking"
C)lack of remorse or shame