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Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3/e
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Policing America: Issues and Ethics

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When asked how much confidence they have in the police
A)the majority of respondents said they had very little confidence
B)the majority of respondents said they have a great deal of confidence
C)the vast majority of respondents said they had only some confidence
D)the reaction of whites and nonwhites was basically similar

When asked to rate the level of honesty and the ethical standards of police, the percentage of Americans who rated the police "very high" is
A)less than 10 percent
B)15 percent
C)25 percent
D)43 percent

The text says police officers are like boxers because
A)they have to "be careful out there"
B)they have to be properly trained
C)they must fight according to the rules
D)all of the above

In addition to the three I's of police selection, police officers should have
A)intelligence and integrity
B)common sense and compassion
C)common sense and physical strength
D)physical strength and stamina

A school where students pursue a program that integrates an associate's degree curriculum in law enforcement or criminal justice with the state's required peace officer training is known as a
A)police academy
B)police cadet program
C)college academy
D)technical preparation program

Police officers hired under a merit system
A)have met a set of standards and qualifications established by the city personnel section and the police department
B)cannot be fired without cause
C)are tenured
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not a common part of the process of hiring a police officer?
A)medical examination
B)physical ability test
C)background investigation
D)technical preparation

A law enforcement executive is
A)a police chief
B)a sheriff
C)the head of a state law enforcement organization
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not an advantage of hiring college-educated officers?
A)better written reports
B)more effective job performance
C)less communication with the public
D)wiser use of discretion

A method for limiting the discretion exercised by police officers is
A)close supervision by a police agency's management
B)lack of department directives
C)protection from civil liability lawsuits
D)all of the above

A form of suicide in which a person gets fatally shot after intentionally provoking police officers is known as
A)fatal job stress
C)use of force
D)all of the above

Persistent use of excessive force by the police
A)is unethical and illegal
B)builds community support for the police
C)is invariably the result of a police officer who lacks control in an arrest situation
D)does not happen, but is a product of media hype

A factor that makes police officers susceptible to corruption is
A)police officers are always better paid than the people they interact with in the course of their duties
B)police have discretion to not enforce the law
C)police officers can be sure that if they arrest a suspect, that suspect will be prosecuted and imprisoned
D)police officers are very different from the rest of society

A form of petty corruption that involves accepting free food, drinks, and entertainment tickets is known as

Many people argue that policing in American has already reached professional status because
A)police do not need additional training beyond police academy training
B)police officers make important decisions daily that substantially affect the lives of people and the quality of life in a community
C)police officers refuse to condone racist and brutal tactics
D)police officers do not take out their frustrations on innocent citizens