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Diagnosing and Repairing Hydraulic Control Systems

1.What may be to blame if a vehicle will not move for several seconds after it is started?
Converter drainback.
Worn pressure regulator valve.
Bad bushings.
All of the above.

2.What amount of pressure change does one click create when adjusting a throttle valve cable?
5 psi.
10 psi.
15 psi.
20 psi.

3.Fine-tuning the throttle cable may be the best and easiest way to remedy some transmission problems.

4.Which of the following statements is true of vehicles that use a combination of a vacuum modulator and TV cable?
The modulator controls the forward shift points, while the TV cable controls the reverse shift points.
The modulator controls the reverse shift points, while the TV cable controls the forward shift points.
The modulator controls the shift points, while the TV cable controls the line pressure.
The modulator controls the line pressure boost, while the TV cable controls the shift points.

5.Which of the following indicates a leaking vacuum modulator diaphragm?
The engine is running rough.
Blue smoke is coming from the tailpipe.
Transmission fluid is being drawn out of the engine chamber.
All of the above.

6.Where should safety stands be placed?
At the lift points of the vehicle.
At the front and rear axles.
At the front and rear bumpers.
Under the middle of the car.

7.If a governor problem is suspected, but tests indicate all is fine, what may be the problem?
The wrong governor is installed.
The wrong drive gear is installed.
The wrong driven gear is installed.
All of the above.

8.Shift solenoids should be replaced rather than cleaned.

9.Most solenoids are held in place by:
Snap rings.

10.If a clip connecting a manual valve to the shift linkage is bent or distorted, engine failure may occur.

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