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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.How did the island Indians show the Spaniards that they meant no harm?
They gave the Spaniards beads and little bells.
They prayed for Cabeza de Vaca and the Spaniards.
They gave the Spaniards boats to use.
They gave Cabeza de Vaca arrows.

2.How did Cabeza de Vaca and the Christians communicate with the Indians?
They all spoke Spanish.
They used sign language.
They spoke broken English.
Cabeza de Vaca had a translator with him.

3.How did the Indians react to the Spaniards' unsuccessful attempt to leave the island?
They cried and wept loudly at the Spaniards' misfortune.
They celebrated and partied throughout the night.
They sacrificed animals to their idols.
The Indians asked the Spaniards to live with them.

4.Why did the Christians not want to be taken to the Indian lodges?
They thought that the Indians would enslave the Spaniards.
They believed that the Indians would sacrifice the Spaniards.
The Christians thought that the Indians would torture them.
They were afraid that the Indians would change the Christians' beliefs.

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