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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Jefferson, what is the purpose of government?
to write laws
to protect the unalienable rights of individuals
to provide an army for protection
to create economic opportunities for citizens

2.In Jefferson's opinion, what has been the goal of the King of Great Britain?
to plunder the riches of the colonies
to push the colonists into starting a war
to establish an absolute tyranny over the states
to make the colonists into slaves

3.According to Jefferson, how has the king controlled judges?
He refuses to read any laws enacted by judges.
He has installed only close friends or relatives to judge positions.
He has imprisoned the judges with whom he disagrees.
He alone determines tenure and salaries for judges.

4.To whom does Jefferson appeal to support the colonists' intentions?
the Supreme Judge of the world
the King of Great Britain
the leaders of the colonies
the citizens of Europe

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