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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to Thoreau, what fritters away life?

2.Which of the following does Thoreau suggest as a means to live a better life?
Simplify everything.
Eat at least three meals a day.
Sleep as little as possible.
Read as many newspapers as possible.

3.What was the outcome of the battle between the red and black ants?
The black ant was victorious.
Thoreau never learned who won the battle.
As far as Thoreau could tell, there was no victor.
The red ants were victorious.

4.Why did Thoreau leave the woods?
Animals had consumed his supplies.
He felt that he had more lives to live elswhere.
He wished to travel overseas by ship.
He missed the daily interaction with friends and family in Concord.

5.What did Thoreau learn from his experience in the woods?
One must confidently follow his or her dreams to reach success.
True happiness can only be obtained by living in poverty.
To understand life, one must live in seclusion.
Mankind cannot function without the rule of law.

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