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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Thoreau, what is the the best government?
one that can be influenced by even the most uneducated citizen
one that does not need to govern at all
one that exacts as much taxes as possible from its citizens
one with a powerful military

2.How does Thoreau describe the U.S. government?
the most just government the world has ever seen
one that is forever led astray by minority interests
one that is vital to the lives of each citizen
one of tradition

3.Thoreau states that the only obligation he has a right to assume is what?
to do what he thinks is right
to act only according to the laws of the country
to follow the doctrines of his religion
to pay taxes

4.How did Thoreau get out of jail?
Thoreau relented and paid the tax.
Thoreau and his cellmate escaped.
Another person paid Thoreau's tax.
Thoreau was allowed to leave because he had served his sentence.

5.According to Thoreau, when will there be a truly free and enlightened State?
when the State treats its citizens with respect
when the State recognizes the individual as a higher and independent power
when the State no longer needs to tax its citizens
when the State reaches absolute authority

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