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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where was Whitman when he learned of the attack on Fort Sumter?
He was in Washington, D.C.
He was at his home in Brooklyn.
He was in New York City, walking down Broadway.
He was having dinner with a friend.

2.Besides helping in the hospitals, how else does Whitman occupy his time in Fredericksburg?
He goes on long tours of the army camps.
He spends many evenings in the homes of Virginians.
He has long talks with the commanding general of the Union Army.
He helps stock the army's supply wagons.

3.What does Whitman think of the portraits of President Lincoln?
He thinks that they capture Lincoln's soul.
He believes that most of the portraits are good likenesses of the man.
He thinks that they all accurately reflect Lincoln's facial features.
He thinks that they are failures.

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