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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where does the narrator live?
in a small Nebraska village
in Boston
in Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska
in the Green Mountains of Massachusetts

2.Why does the narrator have such strong feelings for his aunt?
She helped educate him and taught him music.
She left him a small legacy.
She taught him to write fiction.
She protected him from Native Americans.

3.What was the first familiar thing Aunt Georgiana recognized?
the orchestra musicians
the clothes worn by the opera audience
Boston Common
the entrance to the concert hall

4.What did Aunt Georgiana do with her hands during the performance?
She squeezed them together in anger.
She moved them upon her dress, as though playing the piano.
She wiped tears away from her cheeks.
She raised them in the air, as if conducting the orchestra.

5.What happens when the program ends?
Aunt Georgiana dances down the aisle on her way out of the hall.
Aunt Georgiana and the narrator quickly depart to the train station.
Aunt Georgiana stays in her seat for a long time.
Aunt Georgiana goes to the orchestra pit to talk to the musicians.

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