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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.At the beginning of the story, why is Snookin upset?
He is being sent to a prison in Siberia.
A draught is killing his crops.
The endless rain is keeping his audiences away.
Olenka has rejected him.

2.According to Olenka, where was the only place one could become an educated, civilized human being?
in the theater
in nature
in a loving household
at a university

3.What was Olenka's opinion of the theater after she married Pustovalov?
She considered theaters as trifles, not worthy of her time.
She continued her love of the theater, going often with her new husband.
The theater made her think of her first husband and made her cry.
The theater helped her escape her hard new life.

4.When living alone, what does the narrator say is the worst thing to happen to Olenka?
She lost her love of the theater.
She lost her beautiful features.
She no longer had any opinions.
She could never have a child.

5.Who eventually becomes Olenka's source of opinions?
the vet, Vladimir Platonych
the vet's wife
the teachers at Sasha's school

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