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Unit Skills Assessment

1.A variation of a language spoken by a particular group, often within a specific region and time, is called a __________.

2.Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that authors use analogies in their literary works? make experiences more vivid for the readers persuade a reader to agree with an idea or principle explain unfamiliar things by comparing them to familiar things

3.Read the following excerpts from The Outcasts of Poker Flat. Then answer question 3.

Besides Mr. Oakhurst, who was known to be a coolly desperate man, and for whose intimidation the armed escort was intended, the expatriated party consisted of a young woman familiarly known as "The Duchess;" another who had won the title of "Mother Shipton;" and "Uncle Billy," a suspected sluice-robber and confirmed drunkard.

As the escort disappeared, their pent-up feelings found a vent in a few hysterical tears from the Duchess, some bad language from Mother Shipton, and a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy.

How do the pieces of information in these excerpts about Uncle Billy help you draw conclusions about this character? Write down the words or phrases from the story that helped you form your conclusions.

4.Click on the letter of the word or phrase that means about the same as the underlined word.

Robert experiences great trepidation before flying in an airplane. expression of disapproval; a reprimand
B.a confused or dazed state of mind inheritance
D.nervous anticipation; anxiety

5.An internal conflict exists when a character struggles against some outside force, such as another person, nature, society, or fate.

6.Which of the following is a key principle of naturalism?
A.people often face challenges that are beyond their control
B.setting is emphasized and characters tend to be typical of a certain region
C.there is a focus on psychology and human behavior
D.the narrator is usually an outsider observing a world of unfamiliar customs or sights

7.When you use reason and your experience to understand meaning that is implied but not stated directly, you are __________.
A.predicting plot
B.using irony
C.making inferences
D.drawing conclusions

8.Explain how summarizing can help you understand and think about what you read.

9.Think about cause-and-effect relationships as you read the following statements.

1. People walking on the snow watch carefully for hidden springs to avoid falling into the icy water.

2. Springs flow even during the coldest weather, and sometimes they are hidden by snow.

Which statement is the cause?
A.Statement 1
B.Statement 2

10.Click on the letter of the word or phrase that means about the same as the underlined word.

The uncanny screeching that came from the woods during the night made it impossible for the campers to relax.
B.strangely unsettling
C.not easily defined or evaluated by the mind a stubborn, persistent manner

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