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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to the narrator, what ends as soon as the father comes home?
the quiet times
all the fun
the boys' loneliness
the boys' freedom

2.What significant event happened in the river that the narrator describes?
a boy drowned
a boat sank
the narrator's aunt accidentally fell in
Roy learned to swim one summer

3.What do the boys do on the rockpile?
They play a version of hide-and-seek.
They fight.
They play tag.
They throw rocks into the river.

4.What happens to Roy when he goes to play on the rockpile?
He is cut above the eye.
He gets into a fist fight with another boy.
He breaks his left arm in a fall.
His father catches him playing on the rockpile.

5.What does the narrator say Elizabeth found in Gabriel's face after yelling at him?
sympathy and understanding
anger and rage
fury and hatred
compassion and love

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