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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What does Francis tell Danforth and Hathorne?
What does Francis tell Danforth and Hathorne?
He has proof of Gile's wife's guilt.
He has proof that the girls are deceiving the town.
He has the ability to detect witches.

2.What significant news does Elizabeth tell Danforth?
She is pregnant.
She is indeed a witch.
Her husband had an affair with Abigail.
Her husband plows on Sundays.

3.Why is Giles held in contempt of court?
He has tried to overthrow the court.
He will not divulge the name of a key witness.
He will not leave the court when asked.
He attacked the judges.

4.Who denounces the court at the end of Act 2?
Elizabeth Proctor

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