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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What does Cheever claim is the source of Parris's strange behavior?
There are so many cows roaming around the village.
He has been visited by the devil.
Tituba has set a curse upon him.
He has been having terrible nightmares.

2.What does Parris suggest should be done to ease the troubles in Salem?
The court should be disbanded.
Those condemned to die should be retried.
They should let Proctor speak to the people of Salem.
The executions should be postponed.

3.According to Hale, why has he returned to Salem to try to help the convicted?
He cannot flee and leave those convicted to die.
There is blood on his head.
He is working God's mercy.
He is trying to free Proctor.

4.Why does Proctor plead with Danforth not to publicly post his confession?
He wants to trick Danforth into setting him free.
He doesn't want the town people to know that he confessed.
He does not want his name tarnished.
He believes his wife will forgive him if she doesn't see his confession.

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