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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where does Wiesel say a part of him will always remain?
in the street in front of his empty house
in Auschwitz-Birkenau
in the train car on the way to Auschwitz-Birkenau
in his school

2.How does Wiesel refer to his little sister?
as his most cherished memory
as the force that drives him to write
as the story that he must write about
as his secret

3.What did Wiesel's family do the night before they were sent away?
They played games with all of the family involved.
They buried all their precious valuables.
They tried to escape the town.
They made forged passports and identity documents.

4.What question has Wiesel asked of the American and Soviet leaders and generals?
Why did they not help Jewish families get their homes back?
Why did they not help Jewish families reunite after the war?
Why did they not rescue the Jews in Sighet?
Why did they not bomb the railroad tracks running to Birkenau?

5.What caused the death of Wiesel's adolescence?
life in the cattle cars
being separated from his family
hearing about the suicide pact of his town's doctors
losing his precious books

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