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Unit Skills Assessment

1.An author states an implied theme directly, letting the main idea or message become apparent through events, dialogue, or descriptions.

2.Click on the letter of the word or phrase that means about the same as the underlined word.

After hours of work, the firefighter finally succumbed to the heat of the fire and had to rest.
A.gave in or submitted to
B.vacated or left a place
C.cheated someone out of money or property
D.thought about something long and seriously

3.Through __________, an author reveals the feelings, thoughts, and intentions of his or her characters.

4.What is the correct sequence of the elements that make up plot?
A.falling action, rising action, climax
B.climax, rising action, falling action
C.falling action, climax, rising action
D.rising action, climax, falling action

5.Read the following sentence from "War Message to Congress." Then answer question 5.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.

Does the sentence express a fact or an opinion?

6.Explain how you can draw conclusions about characters as you read.

7.Read the following passage from A Worn Path. Then answer question 7.

She wore a dark striped dress reaching down to her shoe tops, and an equally long apron of bleached sugar sacks, with a full pocket: all neat and tidy, but every time she took a step she might have fallen over her shoelaces, which dragged from her unlaced shoes....Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead.

Explain how the author uses description to capture the physical qualities of this character.

8.Read the following excerpt from Hiroshima. Then answer question 8.

Mr. Matsuo dashed up the front steps into the house and dived among the bedrolls and buried himself there. Mr. Tanimoto took four or five steps and threw himself between two big rocks in the garden.

This excerpt is told from the __________ point of view.
A.third-person omniscient
B.third-person objective
C.third-person limited

9.In a __________, a main character suffers a downfall because of outside forces or a weakness within himself or herself.

10.An argument depends on emotional appeal instead of logic or evidence.

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