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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why did the migrant kids think that they were doing a civic deed by helping during peak harvest time?
They would get a little gold star from their school.
They would get increased wages.
They were given extra food.
They were allowed to participate in city parades.

2.Why does Acuna have a negative opinion of churches?
He does not believe in God.
His family was never allowed to join a church.
He never saw a priest or others helping the less fortunate.
They forced his family to work extremely hard.

3.Why did Acuna's teachers send notes to his home?
He had to cheat to get good grades.
He used to tease the Anglo kids.
He and his siblings were inattentive because they were exhausted from working.
He would always get into fights.

4.Why did Acuna denounce Cesar Chavez?
Acuna wanted to become a first-class patriotic citizen.
He did not like Chavez's methods of instigating trouble.
He personally disliked Cesar Chavez.
He thought Chavez did not know what it was like to be a migrant worker.

5.How did the picket lines affect Acuna?
They made him realize that he wanted to get away from the fields.
They gave him a sense of belonging.
He became a picket line leader.
He became totally against the pickets.

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