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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What does the narrator say was all Dr. Speakie wanted?
to create a utopian society
to rid the world of crazy people
to help people and make a better world
to gain as much power as possible

2.What did a score of 50 or less indicate on the SQ test?
that the person was suicidal
that the person was deaf
that the person was insane
that the person was sane

3.According the narrator, why did Dr. Speakie underestimate the work involved in the SQ project?
He did not take China into account.
He was an optimist.
He was not a "numbers guy."
He was not a very good scientist.

4.What word did Dr. Speakie suggest placing above the doors of every asylum?

5.What happens to Dr. Speakie at the end of the story?
He scores a 92 and is committed to an insane asylum
He opens SQ clinics around the country.
He partners with China to continue his work around the world.
He commits suicide because of the pressure of his work.

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