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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.At the beginning of the story, why does Brave Orchid's head hurt?
She was so anxious that she had not been able to eat.
She was concentrating on helping to keep Moon Orchid's plane in the air.
She was annoyed by the sound of the airport TVs.
She was not used to getting up so early in the morning.

2.Brave Orchid thinks that her American children lack what?
patience and humility
respect and discipline
courage and strength
feelings and memory

3.What word does the narrator describe as a strange word in an adult voice?

4.What surprised Brave Orchid at the end of the story?
how much her niece looked like Moon Orchid
how young her sister looked
how she could still be annoyed by her sister's silliness
how much she and her sister looked alike

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