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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Erdrich, mixed-blood people like her are daughters of what?
a turtle
a mystery
the history of the woodlands
western Plains Indians

2.What is the only thing that has survived the decimation of the Anishinabe?
the names of the women
the stories told by the women
the songs sung by the women
the land tilled by the women

3.Why did the Anishinabe not utter their own names?
It was thought to be a sign of weakness.
It was against the laws of the Anishinabe.
It was considered bad luck.
It was considered presumptuous, unbecoming, and vain.

4.What does Eldrich say is the urge to walk "home," for her?
the urge to dream
the urge to interview historians
the urge to write
the urge to look at photographs

5.Erdrich states that she scratches the ground for what reason?

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