Families Today

Chapter 7: Conflict Prevention

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 7.1 Understand Conflict

Review Key Concepts
  1. Three types of conflict include: situational conflict, personality differences, and power struggles.
  2. People have to want to resolve the conflict. Use tactics that include: define the problem, set limits, negotiate, use a mediator if needed, and follow up.
  3. This shows self-confidence, pride in self, self-discipline, and strength. It says that the issue is not worth fighting about.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but examples should show sensitivity to another person's situation or feelings.
  2. Answers will vary. Some blending is probably inevitable, needed for peaceful coexistence. There are many positive ways to preserve cultures such as ethnic fairs, stores, celebrations.

Section 7.2 Deal with Conflict

Review Key Concepts
  1. Listening skills, showing empathy, getting feedback, clarifying mixed messages, using I-messages.
  2. Use respectful language, have a respectful attitude, work to understand the other's point of view.
  3. Answers will vary, however students should list at least one of the following: head off conflict when possible, commit to solving conflicts constructively and nonviolently.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Articles will vary but should include discussion of communication skills and self-control as well as a graphic that illustrates conflict resolution.
  2. Answers will vary but should include that it takes a lot of self-control to not say everything that comes to mind during a quarrel. During conflict resolution, mouth control will help prevent destructive comments and direct attacks on the other person.
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