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Self-test Questions

Approaches to Psychology, 4/e
William E. Glassman, Ryerson University
Marilyn Hadad, Ryerson University

The Biological Approach

Self-test Questions

Click on the answer you consider correct.

All questions © William Glassman and Marilyn Hadad, 2004.


The brain and spinal cord together represent
A)the sympathetic nervous system.
B)the somatic nervous system.
C)the central nervous system.
D)the peripheral nervous system.

The nerve impulse which travels within a neuron
A)is based on neurotransmitters.
B)consists of an electrical signal.
C)is triggered by hormones.
D)only occurs when there is myelin.

The association areas of the brain's cortex
A)receive direct information from the eyes.
B)regulate whether we are asleep or awake.
C)contain both pleasure and pain receptors.
D)integrate activity from other brain areas.

James remembers everything that happened before the accident that left him brain-damaged, but he cannot retain any information that he has received since the accident. It might be that James has damage to
A)the thalamus.
B)the reticular formation.
C)the hippocampus.
D)the corpus callosum.

Information related to the sense of touch is processed in the ________ lobe.

Electrical stimulation of the brain
A)has demonstrated that in humans, there is a specific centre for every type of behaviour.
B)mimics normal brain activity by firing neurons in one area of the brain in synchrony.
C)is most useful for studying large-scale functions such as consciousness.
D)indicates that specific regions of the brain are associated with pain and pleasure.

If one wishes to study patterns of activity in the brain in a non-invasive way, the best technique would be
A)using ESB.
B)using a CAT scan.
C)using a PET scan.
D)using fMRI.

The _________ gland is often called "the master gland" because of the range of hormones it produces.

Drugs which are categorised as depressants
A)reduce central nervous system activity.
B)may cause coma and even death.
C)include tranquilisers and alcohol.
D)all of the above.

Jason has a split brain. If a picture of a mouse is presented to his left visual field, he
A)can identify it by saying the word "mouse".
B)can identify the mouse by pointing, but only with his left hand.
C)cannot say "mouse" or point to the mouse.
D)can both point to the mouse with his left hand and say the word "mouse".

During stress, __________ is released by the adrenal glands, and serves to reduce inflammation.

Generally speaking, the most difficult type of stressor to deal with is
A)one that is highly predictable.
B)one that we feel we have no control over.
C)one that we have faced many times before.
D)one that triggers a syntoxic reaction.

Research on psychoimmunology indicates that
A)the role of attitudes is simply a type of placebo effect.
B)social and environmental factors can affect health.
C)only negative events can affect the immune system
D)all of the above.

Janice carries the gene for blue eyes as well as the gene for brown eyes. Which of the following statements is true?
A)Janice’s phenotype is brown eyes.
B)Janice’s phenotype is blue eyes.
C)Janice’s genotype is blue eyes.
D)one cannot conclude anything about the phenotype or genotype.

One problem with the theories in evolutionary psychology is that
A)they make mainly retrospective interpretations.
B)they require testing many thousands of subjects.
C)they assume that environment is the only factor that influences behaviour.
D)they rely on experimental data that may be outdated.