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Reading and Writing the Qualitative Research Report
Keyton: Communication Research

Chapter Checklists

As a consumer, you should be able to

  1. Distinctly identify the introduction, literature foundation, methods write-up, and results and discussion sections of the written report
  2. Identify whether the author's or participants' voices are featured in the essay
  3. Identify the core ideas of the essay
  4. Identify where, when, and how data were collected
  5. Identify whether participants' identities have been altered
  6. Differentiate between description and analysis of the communication phenomenon
  7. Find the pattern by which the researcher presents the material
  8. Describe the conclusions presented in the manuscript

As a researcher, you should be able to

  1. Select the story you want to tell
  2. Read through all of the data collected before you begin writing
  3. Decide whose voice will tell the story and select an appropriate writing style
  4. Identify the core ideas you want to present in the story
  5. Write a description about how the data were collected
  6. Make (and then honor) decisions about revealing the identity of participants
  7. Include both description and analysis in the written report
  8. Select the most appropriate quotations from participants to support your analysis
  9. Write a discussion section that reviews what was attempted and what has been learned and identifies new questions
  10. Refine your written report through several revisions
  11. Write a title that accurately introduces your study in an interesting way
  12. Write an abstract for the written report
  13. Develop a complete and accurate list of references used in the report in the preferred style