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Experiencing the World's Religions, 2/e
Michael Molloy

The Religious Search in the Modern World


Abraham Maslow    A twentieth century psychologist who has written extensively on the necessary spiritual development of humans.
agnosticism    A term suggesting that the existence of God can neither be proven nor disproven.
Earth Day    Begun in 1970, a yearly celebration of the natural environment and the role of humans in preserving it.
ecotourism    Environmentally sensitive travel.
fundamentalism    A term that specifically refers to conservative Christian movements of the early twentieth century; broadly, the term refers to conservative attempts of simplify any religious tradition.
Naturism    A movement that focuses on the relationship between humans and nature; it has many parallels with traditional religions yet lacks a well-developed ritualistic element.
neopantheism    A modern deification of nature whereby the divine is experienced and expressed through the natural environment.
Second Vatican Council    The Catholic council from 1963 through 1965 that exemplified an openness to accepting modern elements into the Catholic faith.
secularism    The modern tendency to separate religion from everyday life and to see values and rules for living as taken from the experience in this world, not from divine revelation.
World Parliament of Religions    The gathering of representatives from world religions in Chicago in 1893; one of the first examples of modern religious dialogue.