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Psychological Testing and Assessment Book Cover
Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction To Tests and Measurement, 5/e
Ronald Jay Cohen
Mark Swerdlik

Computer-Assisted Psychological Assessment

Multiple Choice Quiz

Choose the best answer to each question based on material presented in Psychological Testing and Assessment, 5th Edition by Ronald Cohen and Mark Swerdlik. These questions only sample material from the chapter; there is much more to know than sampled here.


By the late 1940s, electromechanical instrumentation was being used to score
A)the Adjective Checklist and the Mooney Problem Checklist.
B)only the Adjective Checklist.
C)the SVIB and the MMPI.
D)only the MMPI.

Computer-adaptive testing has been found to reduce the number of test items that need to be administered by as much as

Which is NOT an advantage of CAPA?
A)The opportunity for testtakers to review skipped or missed items.
B)The opportunity for test users to have assistants administer tests.
C)The neglible time lag between test administration and scoring.
D)The decrease or elimination of scoring mistakes due to human error.

With regard to behavioral assessment, CAPA technology may be characterized as
A)an administrative nightmare replete with ethical and legal problems.
B)a bottomless pit that continually creates more gaps in knowledge.
C)a boon to the field and to the mechanics of behavioral record keeping.
D)all of the above

Tailoring the content of individual tests requires this technology
A)item banking.
B)item tailoring.
C)item designing.
D)item branching.

Which is NOT a published aid to CAPA cited in the text?
A)Create a Test
B)Make a Test
C)Item Bank on This
D)The Grand Inquisitor

CAPA carries with it disadvantages. Which is NOT a disadvantage of CAPA?
A)the fact that examiners never meet the testtakers.
B)the possibility of hacking or theft of hardware or software.
C)the questionable validity of some CAPA products.
D)the time it takes to read documentation and become a proficient user.

In comparing a conventional test with a computerized version of the same test it must be kept in mind that
A)the original norms may not be applicable to both tests.
B)the original validity data may not be applicable to both tests.
C)test scores may vary as a function of administration format.
D)all of the above

A drug abuser may be more apt to admit to abusing drugs
A)during a face-to-face interview rather than on a computerized test.
B)on a computerized test rather than during a face-to-face interview.
C)on a computerized test that is centrally rather than locally processed.
D)on a test written in a forced-choice format as opposed to open-ended.

A descriptive report
A)integrates report data from other sources such as medical records.
B)features brief, scale-by-scale narrative summaries.
C)provides more information than a screening report.
D)all of the above

Studies regarding the validity of computer-based test interpretation programs
A)unequivocally point to the fact that they tend to be accurate.
B)have suggested that a lack of demonstrated validity may be the norm.
C)have suggested that test user satisfaction with the programs is high.
D)unequivocally point to a need to exclude trivial or misleading information.

Approaches to evaluating the validity of computer-based test interpretations include
A)actuarial assessment studies.
B)studies evaluating the opinions of lay people.
C)external criterion studies.
D)all of the above

Actuarial assessment
A)is not synonymous with computerized assessment.
B)entails the use of principles of genuine or actual assessment.
C)need not entail the application of statistical rules to test interpretation.
D)was first practiced by clinicians in the early 1920's.

In their meta-analytic comparison of clinical judgment to mechanical prediction, Grove and colleagues concluded that
A)no conclusive judgment was possible.
B)the two approaches were about the same.
C)clinical judgment won out.
D)mechanical prediction won out.

Currently, the government
A)closely regulates CAPA products.
B)exerts no regulation at all regarding CAPA products.
C)regulates CAPA products only through the Food and Drug Administration.
D)regulates CAPA products only through designated actuaries.