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Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 4/e
Brian Strong, University of California, Santa Cruz
Barbara Werner Sayad, California State University, Monterey Bay
Christine DeVault, Cabrillo College
William Yarber, Indiana University

Male Sexual Anatomy, Physiology, and Response

Chapter 4 Glossary

ampulla  The widened part of the fallopian tube or the vas deferens.
androgen  Any of the male hormones, including testosterone.
circumcision  The surgical removal of the foreskin, which covers the glans penis.
corona  The rim of tissue between the glans and the penile shaft.
corpora cavernosa  The hollow chambers in the shaft of the clitoris or penis that fill with blood and swell during arousal.
corpus spongiosum  A column of erectile tissue within the penis enclosing the urethra.
Cowper's gland or bulbourethral gland  One of two small structures below the prostate gland that secrete a clear mucus into the urethra prior to ejaculation.
crura (singular, crus)  The internal branches of the clitoral or penile shaft.
ejaculation  The process by which semen is forcefully expelled from the penis.
ejaculatory duct  One of two structures within the prostate gland connecting with the vasa deferentia.
ejaculatory inevitability  The point at which ejaculation must occur.
emission  The first stage of ejaculation, in which sperm and semen are propelled into the urethral bulb.
epididymis  The coiled tube, formed by the merging of the seminiferous tubules, where sperm mature.
erection  The process of the penis becoming rigid through vasocongestion; an erect penis.
expulsion  The second stage of ejaculation, characterized by rapid, rhythmic contraction of the urethra, prostate, and muscles at the base of the penis, causing semen to spurt from the urethral opening.
foreskin or prepuce  The portion of the sleevelike skin covering the shaft of the penis that extends over the glans penis.
frenulum  The triangular area of sensitive skin on the underside of the penis, attaching the glans to the foreskin.
glans penis  The head of the penile shaft.
gynecomastia  Swelling or enlargement of the male breast.
Leydig cell  Cell within the testes that secretes androgens. Also known as an interstitial cell.
penis  The male organ through which semen and urine pass.
prostate gland  A muscular gland encircling the urethra that produces about one-third of the seminal fluid.
refractory period  For men, a period following orgasm during which they are not capable of having an orgasm again.
retrograde ejaculation  The backward expulsion of semen into the bladder rather than out of the urethral opening.
root  The portion of the penis attached to the pelvic cavity.
scrotum  A pouch of skin that holds the two testicles.
secondary sex characteristics  The physical changes that occur as a result of increased amounts of hormones targeting other areas of the body.
semen or seminal fluid  The ejaculated fluid containing sperm. Also known as seminal fluid.
seminal vesicle  One of two glands at the back of the bladder that secrete about 60% of the seminal fluid.
seminiferous tubule  Tiny, tightly compressed tubes in which spermatogenesis takes place.
shaft  The body of the penis.
smegma  A cheesy substance produced by several small glands beneath the foreskin of the penis and hood of the clitoris.
sperm  The male gamete. Also known as a spermatozoon.
spermatic cord  A tube suspending the testicle within the scrotal sac, containing nerves, blood vessels, and a vas deferens.
spermatogenesis  The process by which a sperm develops from a spermatid.
testicle or testis (plural, testes)  One of the paired male gonads inside the scrotum.
testosterone  A steroid hormone associated with sperm production, the development of secondary sex characteristics in males, and the sex drive in both males and females.
urethra  The tube through which urine (and in men, semen) passes.
urethral bulb  The expanded portion of the urethra at the bladder.
vas deferens (plural, vasa deferentia)  One of two tubes that transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct within the prostate gland.